Friday, October 22, 2010

adventures and details

Since I've recently been married, my husband and I (I just love saying that).... have gone on a few adventures around where we live..... adventures that are not only fun for us, but something that we both look forward to.  Our goal is to eventually have seen and photographed all the lighthouses around Michigan - this might take us by the time we are 80, but that is ok - it is a great time to be together and see some beautiful, historical structures.

Recently, I've found a new love for not only photographing old buildings, but also antiques, houses and all the details that we take great time in creating..... an old house reminds me a little bit of a wedding (since I just planned one) - it not only has a lot of love, creativity and care in it, but we take a lot of time in the little details that at times are just overlooked, but were very important to us.  Which I feel is so very true for a wedding - you plan, care, and love that day and then passionately plan and create all these details that you notice but perhaps others won't - so I have a great passion for the details, the love, care and history in all around us.

So here is a little preview of what we saw and experience - Enjoy!

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